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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Masterpiece week Britten

Masterpiece week Britten

wo 8 - za 11 nov 2017

  • British pacifist Benjamin Britten composed the work in 1961-62
  • for the premiere, Britten deliberately chose a Russian, a British and a German soloist
  • traditional Mass texts and poems by ‘war poet’ Wilfred Owen are set to its music
  • after the premiere, at Britten’s request, the work was not applauded
  • for an immense line-up: soprano, tenor en baritone, choir, boys choir, organ, orchestra and chamber orchestra
  • in 1967, exactly fifty years after the battle of Passchendaele, Britten conducted the War Requiem in Ieper, in the presence of King Boudewijn and Queen Fabiola

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