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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

CLUB Surround for families

Frascati Symphonic

spectacle familial
sam. 26 janv. 2019 -10.30
début 10.30
Voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar
Tous les prix incluent les frais de réservation.

From 6 years

Discover the orchestra from the inside

Do you like a bed of strings? Do you prefer the force of the brass? Or would you rather feel your whole body vibrating with the timpani? For this concert, you choose a spot in the middle of the orchestra. Sounds shoot through the space from all directions, whizzing past your ears. Frascati Symphonic take you on this exceptional adventure. In a short workshop before the concert, you and the musicians dive together into the heart of the music.


Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)
Selection from Peer Gynt suites


Frascati Symphonic: orchestra
Kris Stroobants: conductor

Sterre De Raedt: workshop (in Dutch)

sam. 26 janv. 2019 -10.30
début 10.30
Voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar
Tous les prix incluent les frais de réservation.

From 6 years