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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Nationaal Ballet van Georgië Sukhishvili

Organisateur: RockFor Concert Agency

mer. 06 mars 2024 -19.00
Ventes externes
début 19.00
fin prévue 21.05
avec une pause
Tous les prix incluent les frais de réservation.

Tickets - In&Uit Brugge

  • by telephone: +32 (0) 78 15 20 20 
  • box office In&Uit


RockFor Concert Agency

Immediately after their founding in 1945, the Georgian National Ballet Sukhishvili began touring internationally. In the process, they astounded people from all over the world. The Sukhishvili name is now internationally renowned, and their performances leave no one unmoved.

The costume collection of the Sukhishvili dance company consists of numerous traditional costumes for more than 100 dances. All costumes are made of exclusive natural fabrics and are decorated with embroidery, paintings, sequins and stones. In the beginning, the costumes were created by the famous painter Soliko Versaldze (1908-1989), today artistic director Nino Sukhishvili is the costume designer.

The ballet orchestra is also worth mentioning. They collect exclusive musical instruments, and play them with a special technique that is not taught in school, but passed down from generation to generation.

Sukhishvili is sometimes called "The Eighth Wonder of the World", and features 100 dancers and 2,500 costumes in one spectacular show.

mer. 06 mars 2024 -19.00
Ventes externes
début 19.00
fin prévue 21.05
avec une pause
Tous les prix incluent les frais de réservation.

Tickets - In&Uit Brugge

  • by telephone: +32 (0) 78 15 20 20 
  • box office In&Uit


RockFor Concert Agency