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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Institute for Living Voice

Sun 01 Apr 2012 -14.30
start 14.30
All prices include booking fees.


thursday 29.03.2012
22.00 / Chamber music hall
Performance by Claron McFadden & Kris Defoort

Friday 30.03.2012
22.00 / Chamber music hall
Performance by Iva Bittova & David Moss

samedi 31.03.2012
19.00 / Chamber music hall
Vox talks. Round table conference

22.00 / Concerthall scene
Voices and Choices. Final Performances

thursday 29.03.2012
22.00 / Chamber music hall
Performance by Claron McFadden & Kris Defoort

Friday 30.03.201


Workshops with David Moss, Iva Bittova, Salome Kammer & Claron McFadden

productie: Muziektheater Transparant

Sun 01 Apr 2012 -14.30
start 14.30
All prices include booking fees.