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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Swan Lake

Opéra national de Russie

Tue 20 Feb 2018 -20.00
start 20.00
expected end time 22.45
with break
All prices include booking fees.

Timeless classic masterpiece, Swan Lake, ballet the most famous in the world, will be back in 2018 and interpreted by the Ballet and the Orchestra of the National Opera of Russia for a big tour in France and in Europe.

This ballet tells us the crazy love story of Prince Siegfried and Princess Odette. She is unfortunately a prisoner of the terrible spell of the magician Rothbart: she is transformed into swan during daytime and becomes again woman at night. Only the promise of eternal love can release her from this spell. Siegfried promises then to Odette to marry her during the ball given in his honor, but it is without the traps of Rothbart and his daughter Odile. Will the Prince succeed in saving his true love ?

Created in 1875 by the Russian composer Piotr Tchaïkovsky, this ballet knows difficult starts during its first performance by the Bolchoï de Moscou in 1877. It is only in 1895 with the version of the choreographer Marius Petipa that Swan Lake will become the biggest classic of all times success.
Between Pas de deux, romantic duets and Dance of the Small Swans, the dancers of the National Opera of Russia with the Orchestra, will interpret with elegance this masterpiece.

Symbol of the romantic ballet, Swan Lake bewitches and keeps enchanting spectators’ generations.

Tue 20 Feb 2018 -20.00
start 20.00
expected end time 22.45
with break
All prices include booking fees.