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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Orfeo Poliziano

Fondation Royaumont

Sat 27 Oct 2007 -20.00
start 20.00
All prices include booking fees.


Angelo Poliziano (1454-1494), Fabula di Orfeo


musical directon: Francis Biggi
direction: Sandrine Anglade
choreography: Pascaline Verrier
scenography and costumes: Claude Chestier
lighting design: Eric Blosse
soprano, flute: Julie Mazille (Mercurio, a bacchante)
baritone: Maxime Battistela (Orpheus, in the world of the living)
baritone: Mauro Borgioni (Tirsias, Pluto)
tenor: Simone Sorini, Ariste, Orfeo in hell)
soprano: Monica Prada (Mopso, Euridice)
mezzo-soprano: Caroline Tarrit (Proserpine, a bacchante)
dancer: Sylvain Méret (the soul of Orpheus)
dancer: Isabelle Terracher (the soul of Euridice)
flute: Joëlle Berthet, Patricia Esteban
rebec, lyra da braccio: Nicolas Sansarlat
viol: Christelle Poncet
viol, vioinl: Eric Grellety
lute: Christoph Barth
percussion: Massimiliano Dragoni
production: Fondation Royaumont
coproduction of the Acedemy of Music of Geneva (CPM), Compagnie Sandrine Anglade, Concertgebouw Brugge vzw, with the support of the KPMG

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musical directon: Francis Biggi
direction: Sandrine Anglade
choreography: Pascaline Verrier
scenography and c

Sat 27 Oct 2007 -20.00
start 20.00
All prices include booking fees.