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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

London Sinfonietta

Peter Greenaway & Brody Neuenschwander

Fri 16 May 2008 -20.00
start 20.00
All prices include booking fees.


Aphex Twin (1971), Jynweythek & Hy A Scullyas Lyf A Dhagrow
Edgard Varèse (1883-1965), Octandre
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971), Octet
Gavin Bryars (1943), The Sinking of the Titanic
David Lang (1957) & Peter Greenaway (1942), Writing on Water (Belgian premiere)

Aphex Twin (1971), Jynweythek & Hy A Scullyas Lyf A Dhagrow
Edgard Varèse (1883-1965), Octandre
Igor Stravinsk


ensemble: London Sinfonietta
vocal ensemble: Synergy Vocals
conductor :Jurjen Hempel
libretto, film and live visuals: Peter Greenaway
live calligraphy: Brody Neuenschwander
sound design: Sound Intermedia
projection: Beam Systems

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ensemble: London Sinfonietta
vocal ensemble: Synergy Vocals
conductor :Jurjen Hempel
libretto, film and live v

Fri 16 May 2008 -20.00
start 20.00
All prices include booking fees.